The Second Coming of Christ: The Lie Exposed

The Truth Pages

Jenay Zapp


Created with Canva

Lie: Jesus, the variation of a Caucasian male, is coming back to Earth in the flesh to re-save all the folks who are “good Christians.” Landing in a beam of sparkling light in some miraculous way on the side of a mountain or spontaneously in a parking lot, he will then shepherd his people to safety to this imaginary place called “New Earth” that looks like the pictures that used to be printed on the side of those Mormon pamphlets in 1990.

Truth: Jesus never left & resides in all of us equally. It is up to each & every one of us no matter what our religion, faith, color, culture, or creed… to exercise our free will daily, to ALLOW the Grace of the God Force to animate our existence moment to moment. Being the change we wish to see in the world will inevitably cause “New Earth” to take over as the new improved version of Earth that is inhabited by a better, lighter, more love-filled society. This society will indeed be populated with awake citizens who are empowered co-creators as opposed to sleeping sheeple who play the victim card.

Conscious (woke) citizens are people who are awakened to this truth & not fairy tale versions of it. This famed “New Earth” is made of people who are consciously choosing to coexist with “Christ/Cosmic/Unity Consciousness” which, for the record, IS Jesus Christ…



Jenay Zapp

21st Century Indie Author, Thought Leader, Light Guide, Ahimsa Agent… shining a big fat spotlight on the Promised Land. ★ Start here: